Monday, September 20, 2010

hives, birthdays, and quotes from AJ....oh my!

So today I get to be kicked back, coffee in reach, the season premieres of my favorite shows on, and exhaustion threatening to take me down.  I have to get ready to head out to work in an hour, I've had 5 hours of sleep since 0830 Sunday morning, and yet, I feel the need to get this updated.  If only for myself.  I was able to thoroughly enjoy my time off by spending maximum time with family, friends, and the kids.  As a friend said, it was more of a "staycation" than anything.  How I love that word!  Being off work is just as much of a vacation as the struggle of packing, traveling, coming home, and unpacking again!  That will happen during our MUCH anticipated trip to Florida for Thanksgiving.  I am looking forward to it so much, as are the kids.

I did get to take a day trip to Kure Beach with April, the boys, and my nephew Micheal.  Ahhh, the beach.  The sight, sound, smell, and taste of the ocean does something to my soul that words cannot describe.  It's like a balm to the aches and pains of life.  I can stay for hours without the need to speak or move.  There have been times that I felt like weeping upon driving away.  Wondering how long before I can watch the waves lick the shore, feel the wind in my hair, and the sand between my toes.  The sound of the waves crashing into the shore reminds me that no matter what happens, some things will never change.  It is a constant, a never ending motion that will forever touch me.

The picture speaks for itself
My birthday was Wednesday and I was so tickled to have someone special with me to be the first to wish me "Happy Birthday" as the clock turned midnight!  The entire day was wonderful, minus the hives....  Nicholas came in the door at 8 after riding his bike with a rash on his back.  Within hours he was covered from head to toe in hives.  An hour after Loratidine his lips were comically enlarged, one eye swollen shut, and hives ON his tongue.  Yep, you guessed it....five hours in the ER getting steroids and being watched.  Thankfully the steroids plus more Benadryl cleared them up and he was able to be discharged @ 3 am.  During that time I was supposed to be on the clock but because I have the greatest friends in the world, I was able to be there for my son.  They also had remembered my birthday and surprised me with a delicious cake, chips, and dip!  How else do you celebrate WakeMed style!!!  There were threats to sing but thankfully I was not subjected to that torture :)  A few hours of sleep during the day Thursday and then it was time to celebrate!!  Momma, Jenn, April, David, Charnell, Mishie, Katie, Anna, Gebeaux, and Richard were all present to help me toast with a few cold ones on the patio of the Draft House!  Of course, the pixs were taken before everyone arrived so a few of my friends were not present yet.  We were also celebrating Katie and Jenn's birthdays and I believe I remember a shot being passed around. Of course, the pitchers of beer kept coming.  Katie and Anna sang Karaoke (and were REALLY good!)  Unfortunately, when I did get carried in the house that night, it was only for us to discover that Nic was AGAIN covered in hives.  A dose of Benadryl and steroids were able to help clear it up though we are still unsure what is causing the allergic reaction.

Friday was a half day of school for the kids and Erin spent the evening with Harley.  It was their one year "anniversary" together and they hung out all afternoon.  The boys and I had lunch, visited Leigh at work, and then spent an amazing afternoon playing at the park.  Sitting on the bench, watching my children play on the same playground I played on when I was their age while the sun warmed my face, the kids giggled and ran, and the ever familiar sound of squeaking chains of a swing reminded me that these are the moments I'll remember forever.  The hives and their health, the struggle to raise them alone, the worry over bills, all that stops when you see the grin on your childs face as they yell, "Hey Momma, come swing with us!"

Jumping out of the swing never gets old!

Though sometimes it takes MANY tries to capture "that" moment
Nic's 12th birthday is Friday and as is tradition with us, it's his "day" and his choice for dinner.  He hasn't made his mind up yet but I look forward to an evening out with the kids.  We will be cooking out at Momma's house on Saturday with friends and family.  I am looking forward to seeing everyone and sitting on the front porch to catch up while the kids play.  My Dad, Pam, and Savanna will be staying in town for the night and getting to spend extra time with them is so special!!  Savanna is learning so much and AJ keeps asking how long until he gets to see her.

Which leads up to AJ's quotes.  This boy CRACKS me up, while also making me a bit queasy sometimes.  The other day he is laid back on the couch watching tv when I hear him say, "I am so hungry I just accidentally ate a booger!  Can I make some toast Momma?"  As I am not so quietly throwing up in my mind, he gets up and heads into the kitchen.  I yell, "WASH YOUR HANDS FIRST!"  "Why?" he asks.  "I licked my finger pretty good."  EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW  Ok, so he washes his hands and proceeds to drag the toaster out and make toast.  A few minutes later I begin to wonder what that smell is.  Unfortunately, when we make toast for breakfast, we butter the bread, put it on a cookie sheet, and brown it in the oven.  AJ knows this and had buttered his bread prior to putting it in the toaster.  SIGH  I am still cleaning butter out of the toaster and may have to just throw it out. 

What can be said but, "BREATHTAKING"
(credit for the photo goes to Jason Newhouse...thanks for sending it to me!!)

So, I close with this reminder...To all, but mostly to myself.  There is beauty, passion, love, and humor everywhere.  Find it, remember it, capture it (be it on film to be forever preserved and shared or in your minds eye to revisit during moments of despair), and embrace it.  As one of my favorite quotes goes.... "Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things." ~ Robert Brault


Monday, September 13, 2010

a newbie in the blogging world

Welcome....I almost feel as though I should say enter if you dare!  Throughout my years in the CED (Children's Emergency Department for those of you NOT in the know)  I have heard, read, and semi-followed co-workers and friends as they blogged about their daily lives and families.  It's like an inside glimpse into the minds of some of the greatest people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing.  A bit envious of their ability to write so beautifully, I followed behind the scenes, pining for the gift of words.  Most recently, in some delicious email exchanges with a new friend, I discovered that I DO actually have the ability.  Well, in my opinion and his of course!  I also discovered that for someone who has a major pet-peeve of poor spelling and grammar, I am able to overlook that for the sake of getting the words down and telling my story.  Here is your official forewarning people....Sometimes I ramble, sometimes I make a point, sometimes I'll make you cry and ache with me, and most often, I'll make you fall off your chair with laughter at the wild1s antics!

We'll make this official today with introductions....This Wednesday is my birthday and I will turn the ripe OLD age of 32.  I've been single for 2 1/2 years now and raising the three wild1s on my own.  The boys see their dad as often as we can swing it, Erin sees her dad on occasion, and I see my sanity on rare occasions!  My first name is Tricia but since the separation, I've gone by trish....introduce myself that way, never capitalize it (don't ask...I don't know why?!?!?), and STILL argue with my Momma about the shortened version of my name!  I am super close to my Momma and sister April and still consider myself a Momma's girl.  I am blessed to have TWO stepmoms who love me too! (Super long and crazy family story here that I won't go into....)

Just me, at my favorite hang out :)

     ~Erin Nicole....This wonderful and amazing creature is 16 and still known as "Baby Girl" at home.  She is breathtakingly gorgeous, smart, funny, and a joy to watch as she enters adulthood.  Yes, I know she is only 16, though taking into consideration that she is hoping to go from a Junior to a Senior in the next week through an early graduation program at school, it truly is the embarkment of adulthood.  I said a week ago that if you think watching them learn to walk is scary, try watching them learn to walk away from you.  You raise them to be independent and strong people with wings, only to watch them fly away.  It's almost like watching your heart walk around outside of your body, knowing that one ounce of pain she experiences is only magnified, a million fold, for myself.

Erin @ her Sweet Sixteen Party

     ~Nicholas Alexander....Oh how I love this boy (as I love all of my children!)  He is so torn between a child and maturity as he faces turning 12 in less than two weeks.  He too has a nickname, which he doesn't really care for...Bubba!  (yes, we are southern)  He hates me calling him that in public and I have made great efforts not to do it in front of anyone but family.  All of his life he has been "Nicholas," as in never shortened.  In the last year, he has gone by Nic.  Now, here is the big ole debate in my house...."Nic" is how I spell it and "Nick" is how he spells it.  We've gone round and round a few times and have finally reached a truce.  After one particular "battle" (the quotes cause it's all in fun) I said in exasperation, "There is not a 'k' in your name son."  His response was so breathtakingly funny, accurate, and a true winner (think, "Ding, Ding, Ding, We have a WINNER!") I think I shut up for a full minute while I digested what he said!!!  "Momma, you prefer to go by 'trish' and last time I checked, there wasn't an 'sh' in your name."  After I regained my thought process, choked coffee through my nose, and regained my breath, we agreed to disagree.  I spell it my way, he spells it his, and he will always be Nicholas to me.  He is the the kind of kid that would rather help me cook dinner, clean the house, and haul out the trash than play a video game.  He has designated himself as the "coffeemaker" and always has a fresh pot with a steaming cup on the nightstand when I awake in the afternoons after a night of work.  How I love this boy :)


     ~James Arnold Jr....Oh my....where to begin with this one!  For starters, he is known as AJ to most, though they use James at school.  His nickname, when he isn't being called Trouble, is Squirt.  Sometimes it is an endearment, quite often not.  I've said since he was born that God knew what he was doing when he made him the youngest.  Had he been first, he may have been an only child!  He is going to be a heartbreaker.  He knows how to spark your anger, tempt your sanity, and melt your heart....usually in a time span of five minutes.  Stubborn doesn't even begin to describe this child of mine.  He was quick, even from the beginning when he almost didn't wait for the hospital to enter this world.  He was walking early, running before his first birthday, talking a million miles a minute (and still does!) from the moment he found his voice, and still wants to do things beyond his capabilities.  This child has absolutely no fear.  Talk about watching your heart walk around outside of your body....he is the one that most often leaves me holding my breath wondering what adventure he may embark upon next.  He is as smart as the other two, very intelligent, but so very, very stubborn that it makes it difficult to find the wisdom buried in him.  He loves animals and Saturday's "question of the day from AJ" was one I wasn't sure how to answer.  "Momma, what costs more?  A hamster or a snake?"  I chose that moment to distract him with putting the stuff in the trunk, making sure everyone was buckled in the backseat, and pulling out of the driveway to meet my sister for our day trip to the beach.  Pulling out onto the main road, I mentally patted myself on the back thinking I had avoided that one....I hear from the back seat, "Mom?  Did you hear my question?"  Stalling for time, I did what any sane mother would do....DENIED!  Hoping for something simple like, "Where do babies come from?" to be asked this time, I waited with bated breath.  No such luck.  He asked the hamster or snake question again.  I answered that I really didn't know.  He threw my favorite response back in my face that had me hoping he would forget by the time we returned home.  "Well, I guess we can just look it up when we get home.  Since my birthday is coming soon, I'd really like one of those for my present.  We can get the cheaper one so it doesn't cost you too much money Momma."  Ahhhh, how sweet he is....trying to save his Momma a little bit of money!!!! (insert sarcasm here)    I went with my standard answer...."We'll see Squirt.  It is kinda far off to be talking about yet."  My oh my, I have a feeling the teenage years with him are going to age me quickly!

AJ (yes, Trouble!)

So now that I have roped you in....with my rambling and wandering introductions, I have to say, I look forward to sitting down, writing my thoughts, and sharing with everyone a day in the life of the wild1s and I as we journey through this wild and crazy ride called LIFE.


(ps:  When I get this figured out, I'll post some pixs of all of us!)