So I find myself...home unexpectedly after sleeping Saturday night and most of Sunday. I did all the sleeping, for the most part, so that I could work my 12 hour shift. I'm going to choose not to discuss the other reasoning for sleeping and justify it with needing it for the week I am facing. Last week was one of those where if it could, it would. It ended with a "bang," pretty much literally. Monday night was my staff meeting at work that I woke up early to attend. I have to say, all things considered, it was very productive. Having placed a ham in the Crockpot that morning before I went to bed, it was so nice to come home around 7 to the wonderful scent of dinner already done. Instant mashed potatoes (the best and so simple!), baked pineapple, and yeast rolls and I was ready for my "Mother of the Year" award. (hahahaha, I can hear my kids snorting over THAT one!) Dishes done, laundry going, lunch for myself made, and off to work I went.
Tuesday was the only day...that week to sleep in and of course, I couldn't sleep. Such is life....for me at least. It was also one of those nights where I struggled to get out of the house on time. No particular reason, just happens that way sometimes. I was in a hurry to clock in before I was counted as late. I swiped at the time clock, noticing it was 2244. As it ALWAYS goes, the swipe didn't take and I got that annoying error beep. Wait a few seconds for it to reset itself, and as it HAS to happen, the clock changed to 2245 as I successfully swiped. Turn, badge myself into the back of the Chest Pain Unit, almost run over the guy rolling out the trash, wonder what that horrible smell is, and code myself into the lounge.... Only to find it full of thick, HORRIBLE smelling smoke pouring from the microwave and sparks coming from the wall outlet. Panicked, I head towards it, thinking, "Electrical fire, unplug the source!" Get halfway there, realize the microwave is not even on, the smoke is so thick I can't see the cabinets, I go out the door into the unit. Head to the back nurses station saying, "Pull the fire alarm, the lounge is on fire....PULL THE FIRE ALARM!" Because it is ME saying it, they go to LOOK first, then come back saying, "Yeah, we have to pull the fire alarm!" So yeah, fire in the lounge, only me who finds it, only me that they all think is kidding, only me that has to talk to the fire chief to explain what happened! Perk....Some very good looking fire fighters spent some time in our unit and most of us were ogling. Gotta love a man in uniform....
Wednesday brought...the semi-formal dinner. The social committee held the second annual Children's Emergency Dept Recognition Dinner and I really enjoyed it! Getting up early (again!) really sucked but the occasion was worth it. Erin spent an hour curling my hair and even did my makeup. I absolutely love that girl! (MOST of the time) Wearing a dress, heels, curls, and well done makeup is a wonderful way to feel so feminine :) Hanging with friends, all dressed up as well, seeing some of them get silly with a few drinks, dancing, wonderful food, and great speeches by some of our finest doctors made for a wonderful reminder of why I have been with the CED for almost 6 years now.
Thursday was a mix...of good and sad. Richard left for CT that day and we managed to have a few hours together between the time I got off work and he headed out for the 13 hour (give or take) drive up there. Sigh, I don't like CT right now....After getting home around 1, I of course could not go right to sleep. I finally managed to grab a few hours before the kids woke me up around 7:30. Back to sleep by midnight and also back on a "normal" schedule. It is VERY hard to bounce back and forth from "nights" to "days" but I have to in order to function on the weekends.
Friday saw me...getting back into the swing of going to the gym. Michael tortured me for an hour. I told him going with him is the best because he pushes me beyond what I think I can do, works muscles that are in need, and allows me someone to call names and talk junk to. Thankfully, he is a good sport about it and I think he enjoys torturing me as much as I enjoy calling him names. A nap on the couch before the kids got home from school helped my aching muscles and then it was off to pick up Maryann and drop the boys off with their grandma. The girls treated me to dinner at the Waffle House, which involved wearing crazy hats and LOTS of laughter. We have so much fun when we go out it is a wonder we managed to get any food in between talking and laughing. Maryann insisted on the jukebox and unfortunately, it was some weird Waffle House song that Erin knew the words and sang along with! I brought the girls home, threw some jeans on, fixed the hat hair, and headed to my favorite Draft House for a few hours. One of their specials for the night was Aviators and it was dark and strong. Yum! As my life goes, a fight broke out on the patio, beer bottles flying, egos bruised, and some sent home. Free entertainment...
Me, though you can't completely see the hat! |
Maryann and Erin looking ADORABLE as always! |
Saturday morning...was Erin's first day training at work as a waitress. She was very excited, still seems to be after two days, and will start working a few days during the week as well. (Read as no sleep for Momma!) I grabbed a few more hours of sleep and then Maryann and I went to help prepare for a vigil I am attending in November. Check my Facebook page for more information!! Protecting our daughters is VERY important and I am proud to say that I have had Erin vaccinated against the HPV virus. There are still no side effects from getting the vaccine but EARLY vaccination is the key. We must vaccinate our daughters BEFORE they become sexually active. Once they are, they may have already been exposed to HPV. HPV is said to be the leading cause of most cervical cancers. I would LOVE to see some familiar faces on the 6th as we celebrate and honor those who have lost their lives and educate others about the importance of yearly pap smears and vaccinations.
Sunday...Ahhh, Sunday...started off with driving Erin to work. Nothing unusual, this happens almost every Saturday and Sunday morning. I grab my keys, phone, smokes, and a drink and head to the car. Sometimes I wear pajamas, sometimes I even wear shoes, and other times, I get home and realize I didn't even take my purse. This particular morning, I was in pajamas, no shoes, hair not brushed, but I DID take my purse. What happens, blue lights in the rear-view. I KNOW I wasn't speeding....I knew he was behind me! So, in the dawn, trying to find somewhere safe to pull over, I pull onto a side road. Roll my window down and then Erin starts cracking jokes. NOT funny ones at that! He comes up to ask me if I was aware that my tag lights were out. Of course I didn't know, else I would have fixed them so as not to get pulled over at 6:45 in the morning with no shoes on. He asks to see my driver's license and says he will be right back. Erin begins again with the not funny jokes. He comes back, gives me a warning ticket, and then, as only she can do, leans around me and says, "Can you write me a note for being late to work?" Silence, I assume while he waits for her to say, "Just Kidding!" He realizes she is serious and says, "No, sorry. I can't do that." He tells us to have a nice day and we are off. Only a few minutes late but there safely. I come home to sleep all day until time to pick her up from work. Drive back to Raleigh, drive back home, shower, start some laundry, and drive to Knightdale to pick up the boys and drop Maryann off. I thought Maryann had her things in the trunk so I popped it from inside when we got there. Make all the exchanges of children and head back out on the road. I heard something, remembered I had popped the trunk, so knowing I will be sitting at the light for a few minutes, I put it in park and hop out (leaving the car door open) to make sure it is shut. Come back to the car, lean down to pick something up off the ground thinking I dropped it, and slam my head into the edge of the door. Stars explode, the world spins, and I cannot hear. Erin keeps saying, "Are you OK? Are you going to pass out? OMG Momma, there is a DENT in your head. Let me drive! You are completely white. Don't drive. Pull over." So maybe she didn't say all of that at once. I don't remember it very clearly. I did feel really out of sorts and was still seeing stars so as soon as I made the light, I pulled over and let her drive. Once home, the dizziness kicked in upon getting out of the car. The queasiness kicked in shortly thereafter. I left for work an hour after we got home and probably shouldn't have. The ringing in my ears was in full force by the time I arrived at work and I was feeling very disoriented. I managed a few hours of my shift before I couldn't do it anymore. A head CT confirmed what I was already pretty confident of. I have a VERY hard head. No bleed or fracture. Just a concussion. I was home a bit before 1am and as usual, can't sleep. The Zofran is barely controlling the nausea and the Motrin has the pain at a minimum. Unfortunately, the headache is in full swing before I can take another dose. I read the discharge instructions once I was home. I am supposed to be with a responsible adult for 24 hours following a head injury. I don't know any "responsible adults!!" LOL
So there you have week, in novel form, full of excitement, ups, downs, fire fighters, flying beer bottles, and head injuries. I can only say...."ONLY ME!" This week promises to be off as well. I'm not sure how or if I will manage to work tonight (Monday) nor how this will affect my upcoming scheduled time off. Erin will work at least two days this week which means picking her up from school at 2:20, taking her to work, picking her up at 9, bringing her home, and then heading to work myself. Oh yeah, I also have to figure out how to fix the tag lights on the car to prevent another delay in my travels. I can say I am soooo looking forward to Mishie's Halloween Party on Saturday. I will use that to get me through this week. It is time to get the kids off to school, dose myself up with Motrin again, and head off into the wonderful world of sleep. I don't have any parting words other than......... Be good or be good AT it