Tuesday, August 30, 2011

It has been awhile... since I have posted anything.  I figured this morning I would take the time to get some words down.  I still write on occasion.  It isn't blog material though.  Mostly just thoughts, random, scattered.  Does that surprise anyone?  It has been a very rough few weeks.  If it's true that you get stronger through your experiences, these hurricanes, earthquakes, and possible tornadoes don't wanna mess with me.  I've learned a few things recently....

Tough Love... is the most heartbreaking thing in the world.  You give them wings, teach them, nurture them, make mistakes, learn from your mistakes, set examples through those mistakes, and still, when they fly...  It is a devestation to the heart and soul that nothing else can touch.  There isn't much you can do but pray, hard, long, and often.  Then stalk your family for updates, make unanswered phone calls, cry deep in the night, and hope that one day, it will get easier.  That is all I can say about that...

Poker...  On a lighter note, turns out I love the game.  I am not horrible at it, however, I know I have a lot to learn.  I enjoy unwinding, learning the terms, messing up the terms to annoy the die-hards, and yelling at the avatars who join the games.  I can't join the real games now that school has started back so my only escape into a game has been online.  Gotta love anonymity!

School, Birthdays, and Fall... Are all ahead!  Sitting in the car at the crack of dawn this morning, heater on, window open, hot cup of coffee in hand, and a bit of one on one with Nic made the desire for leaves of fire, crisp and cool weather, and the enticement of pumpkin latte's.  Soon....  My birthday approaches quickly, Nic's 13th birthday isn't far behind, and then my baby turns 10.  I feel so damn old!  Party time y'all!! 

I don't think... I've said much, but it is a start.  It has been two days of learning new routines, struggling hard to find a balance between working "normal" hours, kids, homework, dinner, and housework but I know, this too shall pass.  We'll get there, we always have, and we'll be better for all the struggles we've overcome than had things been simple.  Who needs simple?  (Wait.... I NEED SIMPLE?!?!? LOL  OK, not simple, just smooth!)
