Tuesday, August 30, 2011

It has been awhile... since I have posted anything.  I figured this morning I would take the time to get some words down.  I still write on occasion.  It isn't blog material though.  Mostly just thoughts, random, scattered.  Does that surprise anyone?  It has been a very rough few weeks.  If it's true that you get stronger through your experiences, these hurricanes, earthquakes, and possible tornadoes don't wanna mess with me.  I've learned a few things recently....

Tough Love... is the most heartbreaking thing in the world.  You give them wings, teach them, nurture them, make mistakes, learn from your mistakes, set examples through those mistakes, and still, when they fly...  It is a devestation to the heart and soul that nothing else can touch.  There isn't much you can do but pray, hard, long, and often.  Then stalk your family for updates, make unanswered phone calls, cry deep in the night, and hope that one day, it will get easier.  That is all I can say about that...

Poker...  On a lighter note, turns out I love the game.  I am not horrible at it, however, I know I have a lot to learn.  I enjoy unwinding, learning the terms, messing up the terms to annoy the die-hards, and yelling at the avatars who join the games.  I can't join the real games now that school has started back so my only escape into a game has been online.  Gotta love anonymity!

School, Birthdays, and Fall... Are all ahead!  Sitting in the car at the crack of dawn this morning, heater on, window open, hot cup of coffee in hand, and a bit of one on one with Nic made the desire for leaves of fire, crisp and cool weather, and the enticement of pumpkin latte's.  Soon....  My birthday approaches quickly, Nic's 13th birthday isn't far behind, and then my baby turns 10.  I feel so damn old!  Party time y'all!! 

I don't think... I've said much, but it is a start.  It has been two days of learning new routines, struggling hard to find a balance between working "normal" hours, kids, homework, dinner, and housework but I know, this too shall pass.  We'll get there, we always have, and we'll be better for all the struggles we've overcome than had things been simple.  Who needs simple?  (Wait.... I NEED SIMPLE?!?!? LOL  OK, not simple, just smooth!)


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Our weekend adventure

Tuesday (pretending to be a Monday) May 31st

It's a Monday, disguised as a Tuesday, wishing it was a Friday! Lol, now I've confused myself. I guess attempting to be funny at 6:30 in the morning before coffee isn't a good idea!  It's back to the grind after a wonderful weekend. It has been over a month since I've written and it has been bothering me. I'm going to make a bigger effort to get back to it and I decided that writing about the weekend would be a good start. 

I'm working two part time jobs now and the office job (that I absolutely love!) is almost forty hours a week at this point. I have to say, after a month of two jobs, this past weekends mini vacation was greatly needed. I decided to let the boys ditch school on Friday with the plan involving being lakeside with my Mishie by lunch. The best laid plans of mice and men and blah, blah, blah! I managed to get five loads of laundry done, all of the dishes, and my room fairly clean before we hit the road at 12:30. Now, in the midst of all that laundry and housework, I also ran out to pay bills, get the mail, and pick up the tent. My sister came by, helped us load the car, and three more stops before we were officially on the road. As we got closer to our exit, the clouds began to roll in. Nic texted Mishie to ask if it was raining at the campsite. The answer was no. Until about three minutes later. The downpour began as we were five minutes out. We didn't even unpack the car when we arrived due to the rain. Mish and I sat under the awning and talked while we watched the rain for several hours. Most would have found this disappointing or enough to call the whole weekend off but for me, those several hours of catching up, trading stories, and just enjoying the moment were as priceless as the entire weekend. As the rain eased off, Kevin began grilling chicken and though it took a bit longer than expected, a delicious dinner was ready when the rain stopped. All ate dinner and the boys raced to the water to squeeze in thirty minutes of swimming and I was able to enjoy a few moments of a gorgeous sky showing it's colors after our small corner of the world had been washed clean. 

There is more to come..... It's just time to don the scrubs, do some dishes, run carpool, sneak in a load of laundry, and head to work! All I can think is, "AHHHHHHH, how I am loving life lately!"

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Lie, Steal, Cheat, Drink

What a ride!!  I keep saying I don't have the words...yet they are still there.  I'm just having trouble getting them out some days.  Life has been so FULL lately that I am pretty confident saying I've fallen asleep with a smile more in the last month than in many years.  THAT is the power of love y'all.  What an awesome, amazing, and wondorous feeling.  For someone who dislikes change with a ferocious passion, I've made so many lately I don't even know where to begin.  Making time for the wild1s, that special someone, and my friends has left my heart and soul so full, I can't help but wonder how it isn't just spilling out of me.  Ok, Ok, I'll stop rambling now ;)

The kids are...healthy, happy, and managing.  We've had some struggles with outbursts from one which has made things tough.  It's so hard raising children.  You wonder with every word, decision, and reaction if you are doing the right thing.  Only time will tell.  I look at Erin and try to reassure myself that I got her to the point she is, I must have done something right.  It sure doesn't make things easier in the moment though.  It's dealt with on a deep breath, a quick prayer, and hidden tears.  Thankfully, the last few outbursts I have had some help dealing with.  It's astounding how having a partner in these "battles" can ease a bit of the struggle within myself.  There is a momentary reprieve for me that allows me to regroup and readdress the situation.  I am hoping with the change in schedule I will be able to get him into some sort of sports function this spring that will give him an outlet for his frustration and also a "reward" for good behavior.  I know that my blog followers probably have some very good advice but y'all will have to forgive me for not having the heart to go into the struggles here.

On that note...I made a MAJOR change in work life.  I accepted the dayshift secretary position and began as of last Monday.  I am now working Monday through Friday from 7am to 3pm.  I am NOT a morning person, regardless of what time I wake up, but I am so very happy with the way it went last week that I don't even know how to express it!  My sister says I'm not allowed to say I'm now "normal" since it's me we are talking about.  All I know is that life has been pretty darn wonderful lately and feeling this way has spilled over into every aspect of my life. 


Words that float around within myself.  How I wish I could give them to all those in my life!

I'm off to accomplish the things I have planned for the weekend but I want to leave you with something Erin made me think of. 

"Never lie, steal, cheat, or drink.  But if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love.  If you must steal, steal away from bad company.  If you must cheat, cheat death.  And if you must drink, drink in life.  Because life isn't the breaths you take but the moments that take your breath away"

I don't know where it comes from...I don't know how badly I butchered it, but I love the message within.  There is nothing more quieting to the soul than to lie within the arms of the one you love...unless it is knowing that you are loved.  Stealing away from bad company has been slowly accomplished by me over the years and it's like taking rocks out of your pocket one by one until you feel like for once, you're not being weighted down.  I've cheated death, in a roundabout sorta way and it gives one a new outlook.  I plan to drink it in, always, one delicious sip at a time.

Until the next time...Keep it safe, keep it real, and NEVER forget to say "I love you" to those in your life.
