Friday, October 15, 2010

An OLD find

I said before...that I had found some really good posts from my blogs on MySpace.  This one hit home more than any others.  A simple yet breathtaking reminder of what I can only describe as "simplicity."  It's a reminder that it is the little things that you remember later.  I clearly remember that day.  Painted like strokes of a brush.  AJ's cold fingers when he brought me that flower.  How we were both enthralled with the fact that he found such a beauty when the rest of the Earth had pulled within, in anticipation of winter.  How Nic spent that day racing around the yard with energy I envied.  How I had procrastinated cleaning the kitchen that day yet when Erin began to do it, it no longer seemed a chore.  Rather an opportunity to spend time with her.  I look forward to more memories, a lifetime of them to come.



Sunday, November 16, 2008

AJ brought me a flower today.  A pure reminder of beauty, nature, love.  A simple thing.  Something I had no part in.  Something that grew regardless of me.  A reminder that after the rain, wonderous things happen.  After the storms  the sun shone strong, bright, beautiful upon a sky of clouds.  The wind blew away the reminders of a night of tension.  The air was warm and caressing upon my skin.  A reminder that there is warmth to come.

Erin cleaned the kitchen.  Washed away the reminders of a mess, a meal, a feeding of not only the body, but the mind and soul.  The counters are wiped clean.  A clean slate upon which to begin another mess.  To begin cooking a new meal, a new opportunity to feed the body, mind, and soul.  A reminder that what once was messy can be clean again.  Though the memory will always linger.  The enjoyment of making the mess.  The simple act of cleaning it and beginning anew.  Sometimes you only need someone to start the process so that you can join them in the cleansing.

Nicholas runs out the door.  The wind tossing his hair all around.  The cold pinkening his cheeks.  Yet the smile that seems to put the sun to shame as he races here and there.  Chasing what seems to me, the essence of childhood.  A reminder that it is only a short time before the world catches up and changes the outlook.  I watch the joyful abandon.  The boundless energy.  The pure excitement at the things that we overlook in the constant race of life.

Take a moment.  Just one.  Look.  Feel.  Listen.  Touch.

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